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Our silly, happy tree

Saturday, December 13, 2014
Merry Christmas, all!  I know I've already posted about Christmas-y things, but I realized I hadn't said that yet.  So there you go.  Consider yourself Merry Christmased. ;)

I think it's about time to show you our comically uneven Christmas tree.  No, I don't mean that it's tipping over or anything like that.  You'll see what I mean shortly.

When Lily was littler, she was excited about the tree, but not crazy excited.  Last year, when she was 3, was the first year she really actively helped decorate.  This year, however, we have a little boy who can walk (unlike last year, when all he could do was lie on the floor like an uber-precious lump of preciousness), and HOLY COW are boys different from girls when it comes to Christmas trees.  Or at least my boy is VERY, VERY different from how my girl was around our tree.  It became clear within a few short minutes of starting to decorate that our tree was going to have to be completely bare in the entire area of James's reach.  Lily didn't mind this too much, because we got out her step stool and she happily decorated higher than her brother could reach.  We didn't, however, stop James from "helping" entirely.  I left a bunch of plastic ball ornaments on the coffee table which he threw at the tree with gusto.  He definitely thought he was contributing to the loveliness of the tree. :)

As a result of James's, umm, enthusiasm for ornaments, our tree looks ludicrously nude from the middle down.  To add insult to injury for this poor tree, I'm pretty bad at evenly spacing our lights.  I start from the top, so not only does the bottom half have no ornaments, it also has a very paltry smattering of lights.  All this combines to make a very comical looking tree.

Ridiculous, huh?  It's a slightly scraggly tree already, a fact which we just accentuated.  Alas, such is life with a toddler boy.  But really, when he looks like this, who cares about some silly tree?

 Be still my heart.

On the bright side, I do really love our ornaments.  We have a pretty good collection of hand-painted German glass ornaments which are definitely my favorite.  I especially like the ones with a slightly matte finish, rather than the super shiny ones.

Isn't that little house cute?  And that fish?  I just love them :)

So that's our tree!  A little pitiful, but still cute.  Hope you like it, and I hope yours is a little less sparse!

I'm linking this post up to Thrifty Decor Chick's Christmas Tree Party

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